Wednesday, April 26, 2017


It has been quite a while since I last posted and very sporadic the last few months. Its not that I haven't had anything to say but just extremely exhausted.

See it started in November with me getting sick and by December my dear husband was telling me I had to stop working out so I could get better. I really didn't want to listen but I did and he was right although it still took until the end of January.

In mid January I signed up for the GoGirl Half Marathon which is in June. I had 10 weeks to basically start back to running about 3 miles a few times a week. My goal was to PR my Roots N' Blues time of 2:08...I wasn't consistent though.

The boys had swim lessons 2 days a week, I am still adjusting to our new real estate office and trying to transfer things around, school, babysitting, husband's school...Oh and Kentrell "moved" back in for a couple of months. You get it life was just GO GO GO! In February we were struck with a few days of bad news which kind of set me off into what I thought was depression.

I filled my time trying not to think of the things bothering me with a field trip to see the Pompeii exhibit at Union Station (along with girls night), exercising, and trying to catch up on housework. By the end of March I was finally pulling out of my funk.

It really helps when you get to cuddle a new born. My niece was born in March so we have been making several trips up to see her...and the rest of the family. My poor husband was going through a cycle of cluster headaches which seem to have now ended in the last week.

So life seems to be getting back on track I'm still exhausted but it could have something to do with our Easter Surprise for family and friends...

The boys are beyond excited! Check out their reactions when we told them on their YouTube channel Adventures with C&C!

And for those wondering yes I am still planning to race on June 3rd, I may not be meeting my time goal but I will be finishing the race 22 weeks pregnant. Training has been going well for the last 3 weeks. I will try to do better about keeping you all updated along the way to this new journey.

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